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James Clear in his writing "Mental Models: How to Train Your Brain to Think in New Ways"note that the best way to do this is to expand the set of mental models you use to think. Mental model guide your perception and behaviour. They are the thinking tools that you use to understand life, make decisions and solve problems. He also stated that the more you master a single mental model the more likely it becomes that this mental model will be your downfall because you will start applying it indiscriminately to every problems. "If everyone of you is a hammer, everything looks like a nail".


Just like our vision, we need both eyes to see the full picture. When we use one eye to see it, we loose some part of the scene. Similarly, our mind's eye needs a variety of mental model pieces to see a complete picture of how the world works.We need to continuously reading good books, studying the fundamentals of seemingly unrelated fields, and learn from people with widely different life experiences. It is important to not only learn new mental models, but to consider how they connect with one another. 


Richard Feynman, waltzing into math department and solve problems that the brilliant Ph.D. students couldn't solve. 

It was not by his intelligence but by the mental model he acquire in his high school period. 

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